
DAKO Coverstainer


perfect condition
internal software



automates every step of the H&E process from baking, dewaxing and staining through to the dehydrated, coverslipped and dried slide that is ready for examination by the pathologist. Dako Reagent Management System (DakoRMS), which is an integral part of Dako CoverStainer, automates the reagent handling process, and secures consistent high staining quality as well as better safety for laboratory personnel when handling reagents.

Dako CoverStainer is part of the Dako H&E solution which also consists of ready-to-use reagents, an optimized, validated H&E protocol, consumables as well as DakoLink software. This combination gives laboratories consistently high staining quality while at the same time reducing hands-on and turnaround time.

Specification Description
Staining module
Cover glass size 24 x 50 mm
Mounting medium Dako CoverStainer is validated with Dako Mounting Medium
(CS703 and CS705)
The use of other mounting media is at the user’s own risk.
Programming of mounting parameters Placement of both cover glass and amount of mounting
medium applied to each slide can be programmed
Heating chamber capacity 12 racks at a time, maximum 120 slides
Heating chamber temperature Minimum 50 °C and maximum 70 °C (122-158 °F)
Slide rack capacity 1 to 10 glass slides per slide rack
Loading of slide racks Slide racks can be loaded continuously at seven-second
intervals, with up to four racks at a time
Capacity Up to 240 slides per hour
Overnight run Maximum 240 slides
120 slides coverslipped and dried
120 slides waiting in exit bath before coverslipping
Reagent stations/reagent bottles 18 dip tanks divided into two compartments which give 36 reagent stations
Dip tanks 1-2 and 14-16 (i.e. reagent stations 1-4 and 27-32) are reserved for xylene or xylene
substitute due to special requirements to the solvent pumps
Dip tanks 17-18 (i.e. reagent stations 33-36) are reserved
for running tap water
One reagent station contains approx. 300 mL
20 reagent bottle positions (1,000 mL)
All reagents circulate constantly during processing (DakoRMS)
20 membrane pumps (five pumps for xylene, 15 pumps for other reagents)
Each pump uses one reagent bottle and can go to one reagent station or two dip tank compartments
Reagent capacity Dako CoverStainer reagents (Dako Hematoxylins, Dako Eosins,
Dako Differentiation Solution and Dako Bluing Buffer) or user-defined
reagents. Please note: We recommend reagents to be changed every five days or
for every 3,000 slides (whichever comes first).
Protocols 20 protocols of which 19 can be programmed by the user
It is possible to change number of steps, reagents, and time
in the protocols
Each rack can be loaded with any of the 20 protocols
as needed
Three validated, pre-optimized protocols for both
progressive and regressive staining
Alarms Alarm notification when protocol is completed
Alarm notification, if error occurs (screen error message pops up)